

Hebrew School

Our Hebrew School is a vibrant hub for children aged three and up, dedicated to nurturing Jewish literacy while bridging Torah values with the realities of the modern world. 

As our older students approach the milestone of bar and bat mitzvah, we provide comprehensive preparation, empowering them to embrace their responsibilities as young Jewish adults with confidence and understanding. 

Together, we create a nurturing environment that instills a love for Judaism, and equips our students with the tools to navigate life with compassion and wisdom.

We invite you to reach out at any time to learn more about Beth Israel's Hebrew School.

About our new education director:

My name is Dr. Michelle Neuman, and I am a Jewish educator and pediatric nurse. I have over 30 years of experience as a Jewish educator beginning as a camp counselor, followed by teaching day school, afternoon Hebrew school, and working as an adult educator. 

I am excited to be working with Beth Israel’s Religious School., or as we call it, “Shul School.” We have an exciting year of Jewish education planned for children in grades K-8+ and their families. This year we’ll have parent-child joint programs in addition to Sunday morning classes where we’ll learn Hebrew, holidays, history, Torah, and prayers through engaging activities. Check out what we’ve been up to so far this year below.

Shul School” Update October 2024 - Tishrei 5785

This year’s Shul School is off to a good start with a small but mighty group. We start each day with Havdalah and a few tefillot (prayers). One day we even visited the adult class Rabbi Daniel was teaching to learn about tallit and tefillin and see the inside of a pair of tefillin close up.  We learned about the High Holidays by singing, reading stories, coloring (see the bulletin board in the synagogue entry way for a sample of our work), and playing matching games with the holiday symbols. We’ve even tried blowing the shofar.  Next we’ll learn about the holiday of Sukkot by sitting and learning in the sukkah and even building our own yummy model sukkot.

Our students are also busy learning the Hebrew Aleph-bet (ask them to sing you the alphabet song). In addition to singing Debbie Friedman’s version of the aleph-bet song, we’ve been learning words which begin with each letter, how to write each letter, and how to read basic words.

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